Īstenotie projekti / Projects with my participation
Projekti Latvijā / Projects in Latvia
Eiropas Darba drošības un veselības aizsardzības aģentūras Darba drošības un veselības aizsardzības kontakpunkta Latvijā informācijas padomes apstiprinātā "Darba aizsardzības preventīvo pasākumu plāna 2014.gadam" ietvaros tika īstenota informatīvā kampaņa "Strādā vesels". Tās ietvaros tika izveidots rīks "Atpazīsti bīstamību", kas ļauj mājas lapas apmeklētājiem pārbaudīt savas prasmes atpazīst bīstamās situācijas fotoattēlos.
Ideja, satura izstrāde un aktualizācija.
Rīks pieejams: http://stradavesels.lv/atpazisti-bistamibu/
Ideja, satura izstrāde un aktualizācija.
Rīks pieejams: http://stradavesels.lv/atpazisti-bistamibu/
Bloga autore "Strādā vesels": http://stradavesels.lv/eksperti/linda-matisane/
Eiropas Darba drošības un veselības aizsardzības aģentūra (EU-OSHA) ir izstrādājusi interaktīvus mācību materiālus pedagogiem par veselību un drošību, kuru pamatā ir izglītojošās animācijas filmas ar NAPO.
Projekta vadība Latvijā, materiālu adaptācija Latvijas vajadzībām, pedagogu apmācība.
Materiāli pieejami: http://www.napofilm.net/lv/napo-for-teachers
Projekta vadība Latvijā, materiālu adaptācija Latvijas vajadzībām, pedagogu apmācība.
Materiāli pieejami: http://www.napofilm.net/lv/napo-for-teachers
Eiropas Darba drošības un veselības aizsardzības aģentūra (EU-OSHA) ir izstrādājusi interaktīvu darba vides riska novērtēšanas datorprogrammu (OiRA). Projekta vadība Latvijā, satura izstrādes uzraudzība, gala lietotāju apmācība.
Moduļi "Darbs birojā", "Izglītības iestādes", "Lauksaimniecības uzņēmumi", "Veikali", "Uzkopšanas darbi", "Viesnīcas un viesu mājas", "Autoservisi", "Sabiedriskā ēdināšana", "Skaistumkopšana" ir pieejami šeit: http://www.vdi.gov.lv/lv/OiRA/
Prezentācija par rīka lietošanu: http://www.slideshare.net/Valsts_darba_inspekcija/oira-interaktivs-rks-darba-vides-riska-novrtanai
Prezentācija par OiRA rīku popularizēšanu Latvijā": http://www.oiraproject.eu/Resources
Moduļi "Darbs birojā", "Izglītības iestādes", "Lauksaimniecības uzņēmumi", "Veikali", "Uzkopšanas darbi", "Viesnīcas un viesu mājas", "Autoservisi", "Sabiedriskā ēdināšana", "Skaistumkopšana" ir pieejami šeit: http://www.vdi.gov.lv/lv/OiRA/
Prezentācija par rīka lietošanu: http://www.slideshare.net/Valsts_darba_inspekcija/oira-interaktivs-rks-darba-vides-riska-novrtanai
Prezentācija par OiRA rīku popularizēšanu Latvijā": http://www.oiraproject.eu/Resources
ESF projekts "Nozaru kvalifikācijas sistēmas izveide un profesionālās izglītības efektivitātes un kvalifikācijas paaugstināšana" (Nr.2010/0274/1DP/ - īstermiņa eksperts profesijas standartos definēto sociālo un pilsonisku prasmju kompetenču jomā (piemēram, darba aizsardzība, vides aizsardzība, ugunsdrošība, elektrodrošība, pirmā palīdzība, civilā aizsardzība u.c.) - 2011.gada decembris - 2012.gada marts, Rīga, Latvija.
Modulis "Sabiedrības un cilvēka drošība": http://visc.gov.lv/profizglitiba/dokumenti/programmas/esf_moduli/esf_sab_cilv_drosiba_modulis.pdf
ESF projekts "Vispārējās izglītības pedagogu tālākizglītība" (Nr.2010/0062/1DP/ - izstrādes, aprobācijas eksperts un lektors pedagogu tālākizglītības programmās - 2011.gada marts - 2013.gada oktobris, Rīga, Latvija:
* Veselības mācības skolotāju profesionālo un pedagoģisko kompetenču pilnveide;
* Civilā aizsardzība un ugunsdrošība.
Twinning project LV/2004/SO/01 "Occupational Health and Safety System (further development)" - short term expert on training in occupational health and safety, February 2007 – May 2007, Riga, Latvia
International Project INCO COPERNICUS "Comparative analysis of occupational health care systems in 7 European countries" - researcher at national level, September 1999 – February 2002, Riga, Latvia
Starptautiskie projekti / International projects
Support to Labour Inspectorate for fighting against undeclared work (EuropeAid/138633/DH/SER/XK) - Senior Short- Term Expert, since January, 2019 (ongoing)
Building the Capacity of the Philippines Labour Inspectorate (PHI/14/06/USA) ILO USDOL Labour Inspection Project - Facilitator (Short- Term Expert), July-August, 2019
Medium-Term TAIEX assistance under Regulation 389/2006 (the Aid Regulation) establishing an instrument of financial support for encouraging the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community in the area of occupational health and safety - Medium-Term occupational health and safety expert, February, 2018 -2019
Technical Assistance for the EU-China Project on Occupational Health & Safety in High-Risk Sectors (EuropeAid/131025/C/SER/CN) - non-key senior international expert (in occupational health), January - February, 2016, Beijing, China.
Presidency conference: Conference on occupational safety and health: "From the strategic framework towards effective implementation - OSH can be sirnple and entertaining" (VS/2015/0103) - project manager of grant from EC, January - October, 2015, Riga, Latvia. The video of the conference is available here:
ID no. ĀM/GPK-6/2014 "Strengthening of the capacity of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia in the field of work environment" - short term expert on labour inspection (support for organization of study tour for representatives of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia; participation in the degelation of Latvia in Georgia, giving presentations and participating in discussions on topics related to supervision and control on work environment done by the State Labour Inspectorate of Latvia), September - November, 2014, Tbilisi, Georgia.
EuropeAid/134018/C/SER/XK project "Support to the Labour Inspectorate" - organization of study tour for representatives of the Labour Inspectorate of Kosovo to the Labour Inspectorate of Latvia, as well as social partners, the Ministry of Welfare and the Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health at the Riga Stradins University, short-term non key expert on training, since April 2014, Pristina, Kosovo.
EuropeAid/127200/D/SER/TR project “Technical Assistance for Development of Regional Laboratories of Occupational Health and Safety Centre -(İSGÜM)” - organization of ISGLABTEK accreditation study visit to the Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health at the Riga Stradins University - December 11-16, 2011, Riga, Latvia - www.isgum.org
EuropeAid/127926/D/SER/TR "Improvement of Occupational Health and Safety Conditions at Workplaces in Turkey" - short-term expert in occupational health, October, 2010 - December, 2010, Ankara, Turkey - www.isgip.org
Co-author of "Health Surveillance at Work Guide"
BOSMIP II (the second Business Organisations as Single Market Integration Players programme) – lecturer at the International Seminar on EU Acquis on Occupational Health and Safety, 4-5 March, 2009, Bursa, Turkey
TAIEX (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument of the Institution Building unit of Directorate-General Enlargement of the European Commission) organized expert:
* Workshop on the Safety and Health of Workers at Work, 24 October, 2008, Banja Luka, Bosnia & Hercogvina
* Seminar on Application of Social Security Schemes to Employed Persons, to Self-Employed Persons and to Members of their Families – Regulation 1408/71/EC, 22-23 October 2007, Prague, Czech Republic
* Seminar on Occupational Health and Safety, 20-21 October 2005, Bucharest, Romania.
Modulis "Sabiedrības un cilvēka drošība": http://visc.gov.lv/profizglitiba/dokumenti/programmas/esf_moduli/esf_sab_cilv_drosiba_modulis.pdf
ESF projekts "Vispārējās izglītības pedagogu tālākizglītība" (Nr.2010/0062/1DP/ - izstrādes, aprobācijas eksperts un lektors pedagogu tālākizglītības programmās - 2011.gada marts - 2013.gada oktobris, Rīga, Latvija:
* Veselības mācības skolotāju profesionālo un pedagoģisko kompetenču pilnveide;
* Civilā aizsardzība un ugunsdrošība.
Twinning project LV/2004/SO/01 "Occupational Health and Safety System (further development)" - short term expert on training in occupational health and safety, February 2007 – May 2007, Riga, Latvia
International Project INCO COPERNICUS "Comparative analysis of occupational health care systems in 7 European countries" - researcher at national level, September 1999 – February 2002, Riga, Latvia
Starptautiskie projekti / International projects
Support to Labour Inspectorate for fighting against undeclared work (EuropeAid/138633/DH/SER/XK) - Senior Short- Term Expert, since January, 2019 (ongoing)
Building the Capacity of the Philippines Labour Inspectorate (PHI/14/06/USA) ILO USDOL Labour Inspection Project - Facilitator (Short- Term Expert), July-August, 2019
Medium-Term TAIEX assistance under Regulation 389/2006 (the Aid Regulation) establishing an instrument of financial support for encouraging the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community in the area of occupational health and safety - Medium-Term occupational health and safety expert, February, 2018 -2019
Technical Assistance for the EU-China Project on Occupational Health & Safety in High-Risk Sectors (EuropeAid/131025/C/SER/CN) - non-key senior international expert (in occupational health), January - February, 2016, Beijing, China.
Presidency conference: Conference on occupational safety and health: "From the strategic framework towards effective implementation - OSH can be sirnple and entertaining" (VS/2015/0103) - project manager of grant from EC, January - October, 2015, Riga, Latvia. The video of the conference is available here:
ID no. ĀM/GPK-6/2014 "Strengthening of the capacity of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia in the field of work environment" - short term expert on labour inspection (support for organization of study tour for representatives of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia; participation in the degelation of Latvia in Georgia, giving presentations and participating in discussions on topics related to supervision and control on work environment done by the State Labour Inspectorate of Latvia), September - November, 2014, Tbilisi, Georgia.
EuropeAid/134018/C/SER/XK project "Support to the Labour Inspectorate" - organization of study tour for representatives of the Labour Inspectorate of Kosovo to the Labour Inspectorate of Latvia, as well as social partners, the Ministry of Welfare and the Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health at the Riga Stradins University, short-term non key expert on training, since April 2014, Pristina, Kosovo.
EuropeAid/127200/D/SER/TR project “Technical Assistance for Development of Regional Laboratories of Occupational Health and Safety Centre -(İSGÜM)” - organization of ISGLABTEK accreditation study visit to the Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health at the Riga Stradins University - December 11-16, 2011, Riga, Latvia - www.isgum.org
EuropeAid/127926/D/SER/TR "Improvement of Occupational Health and Safety Conditions at Workplaces in Turkey" - short-term expert in occupational health, October, 2010 - December, 2010, Ankara, Turkey - www.isgip.org
Co-author of "Health Surveillance at Work Guide"
BOSMIP II (the second Business Organisations as Single Market Integration Players programme) – lecturer at the International Seminar on EU Acquis on Occupational Health and Safety, 4-5 March, 2009, Bursa, Turkey
TAIEX (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument of the Institution Building unit of Directorate-General Enlargement of the European Commission) organized expert:
* Workshop on the Safety and Health of Workers at Work, 24 October, 2008, Banja Luka, Bosnia & Hercogvina
* Seminar on Application of Social Security Schemes to Employed Persons, to Self-Employed Persons and to Members of their Families – Regulation 1408/71/EC, 22-23 October 2007, Prague, Czech Republic
* Seminar on Occupational Health and Safety, 20-21 October 2005, Bucharest, Romania.
Promocijas darbs / Doctoral thesis
Promocijas darbs "Jonizējošais starojums kā darba vides riska faktors veselības aprūpē Latvijā - saslimstība ar ļaundabīgajiem audzējiem"
Doctoral Thesis "Ionising Radiation as an Occupational Risk Factor in Health Care in Latvia - Cancer Incidence"
Doctoral Thesis "Ionising Radiation as an Occupational Risk Factor in Health Care in Latvia - Cancer Incidence"